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Partnering towards a slavery-free Chelmsford

About Us 


Chelmsford Against Slavery Partnership (CASP) is a community partnership working within the city of Chelmsford and surrounding areas. It comprises of 25 partner organisations including charities, faith groups, the local authority, law enforcement and community groups. We appreciate the unique quality and power of local knowledge and relationships to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking.  


CASP is led by a Steering Group of six community leaders representing charities, faith groups, the local authority and law enforcement. CASP employs a part-time antislavery co-ordinator who helps to catalyse the partnership. Bi-monthly partnership meetings are held to facilitate collaboration towards a slavery-free Chelmsford through:


1. Raising awareness through campaigns, literature and social media

3. Developing and delivering training within the community

4. Increased victim identification, safeguarding and referral pathways for victims 

5. Survivor Care

6. Developing community intelligence and sharing

7. Disrupting exploitation  


Get in touch for further information or to explore how you or your organisation could get involved. Modern Slavery awareness training is offered and available for free for smaller charities, community groups, youth groups and for at-risk groups.





CAMS was initiated by the Safer Chelmsford Partnership and The Together Free Foundation, charity number 1185728

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